Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Finished Poster

Filming Day One

Day one of filming took place on Thursday 14th February 2013. The filming was to be done in the evening and there were two locations we had to visit for filming.

The first location was in Lytchett Minster and that was to get a shot of a car driving, we went to a quiet car park to film it and it took a relatively short amount of time to film. We encountered a few problems mainly due to the stability of the camera and also the light levels. We had a torch on to illuminate the inside of the car as well as the headlight on to brighten up the road ahead. After a couple of takes we managed to get the shot we needed so moved on to the next location.

The other location for that day was at my house, here we did the interior shots of the protagonist in the bedroom and bathroom. As we were inside and warm we could take our time setting up the shots using lighting, the shots in the bedroom were a bit hard to film as there was restricted space but we had the time to do it so we took many takes doing it. The bathroom shots were harder as i was using a really shallow depth of field on a part of the gun, this made keeping that part in focus particularly tricky when it was being loaded. As well as that the lights in the bathroom were very strong and its a white bathroom so there was a lot of over exposure and a considerable amount of time was taken trying to get the right settings on the camera.